funeral homes in Hanover, PA

Writing an Obituary


One of the things that some people choose to do for someone who has died is written their obituary. Although you can definitely have the funeral director do this for you, it can also be an option to write the obituary yourself. If that is something you want to do but you want to be sure that you know how to write an obituary correctly, there are some tips that directors of funeral homes in Hanover, PA want you to keep in mind.


It can be a good idea to read examples of obituaries before you get started. Many people do not consider doing this because they think that since each obituary is unique there is nothing they can learn from reading them. That is not the case. You could actually learn a lot from reading examples. One of the things you can learn is how long the obituary can be, as well as what you can include, and the tone it can have. There are lots of websites where you can find examples of obituaries.


Another thing to remember is that you do not want to include a lot of details in the biographical section of the obituary. This is a common mistake people make and it can be an issue. If this section is too long, people can get confused and that is not what you want. Focus on mentioning the milestones of the person’s life and not on adding lots of details.


funeral homes in Hanover, PABefore sending the obituary to be printed or posted, you want to ensure that you have someone check it. You do not want to have to worry about seeing mistakes later on. It is always a good idea to ask someone who knows your family and who will be able to tell if you misspelled a name or if you forgot to include someone in the list of those who survived the deceased.


Add the relevant information on the services you are planning for your loved one. It is important to include the date, time, and location of the service. Be sure to also include any special requests you may have, like if you are asking for flower donations. If you want to give your loved one a celebration of life, you can also consider mentioning this in the obituary.


These are some important things you want to remember when getting ready to write an obituary for a loved one. You always want to start by reading examples and you want to be sure someone reads through it to make certain there are no errors. It can be a big help to do this. If you still have questions or if you would like the funeral home to prepare the obituary for you, you can reach out to a Hanover, PA funeral home like us. We are here to guide you through the entire process of making arrangements for your loved one, so do not hesitate to contact us to get started. Give us a call right now or visit us today at our location to learn more.

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Panebaker Funeral Home

Panebaker Funeral Home

After more than 20 years of ownership and hard work of the Johnstons, the ownership of Panebaker Funeral Home transferred to the family of Michael and Kristin Newman. A strength of Panebaker Funeral Home has been and continues to be the role of a husband and wife serving as a team for those who have suffered a loss.