cremation services Parkville, PA

Healing After a Loss With The Funeral Home

cremation services Parkville, PA

There’s nothing quite like losing a loved one. It’s a deep pain that never really goes away. But, just like a serious injury, while you may never be exactly the same again, there are ways you can heal from the grief. The professionals at cremation services Parkville, PA are here to help you with the final services, which is a big part of the healing process. They also offer grief support, compassion, and lots of other things you need. Here are a few other tips to help you through such a hard time.


Seek Extra Support

Once you are done with the final services, you might still feel like you need some extra help through the rest of the grief. The funeral home is there to offer you grief support resources. They have a list of counselors in the area that specialize in grief and they know when all the grief support groups meet, what they specialize in, and how you can get in touch with them. If you want something specific, just ask. Otherwise, they can offer you the options and you can go from there in seeking the help you want and need.


Stay Healthy

Grief is a physical thing as much as a mental and emotional thing. And everything in your life is going to be harder if you aren’t taking care of yourself. It’s not selfish to do your best to be at your best. Try to eat regular, healthy meals. Rest when you need to, even during the day if you aren’t sleeping well. Take walks and get a little exercise. The better you take care of yourself, the easier the grieving process will be.


cremation services Parkville, PA Be Aware OF Your Signs

You know yourself better than anyone else. If you feel your grief heading in an unhealthy direction, you need to be aware of the signs that you’re in a tailspin so you can pull yourself out of it before you get too deep into trouble. If you find yourself denying every invitation and always holing up at home alone, for example, or if things are getting worse instead of better as time goes by, you might need to seek more help.


Do Things You Enjoy

While your loved one is gone, you are still alive and they would want you to continue to do things you enjoy. It’s a part of finding a new sense of normal and moving on with your life. If you like to golf, go play a round. If you enjoy movies, go see the latest one. Put as much joy into your life as you can through the things you enjoy.

When you are working with cremation services Parkville, PA, you can rest assured that your loved one is in good hands and is getting the care they need. You also need to care for yourself and your grieving process and the professionals at Panebaker Funeral Home & Cremation Care Center, Inc. are here to support that.

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Panebaker Funeral Home

Panebaker Funeral Home

After more than 20 years of ownership and hard work of the Johnstons, the ownership of Panebaker Funeral Home transferred to the family of Michael and Kristin Newman. A strength of Panebaker Funeral Home has been and continues to be the role of a husband and wife serving as a team for those who have suffered a loss.